Everyone possesses creativity and there are many opportunities within the school system where this creativity can be nurtured and explored. Studies have shown that art enhances self-esteem, develops problem solving skills, improves motor function and generally sharpens the senses. With art, there is no one right answer, and everybody will have a different approach and outcome. It is the one place where diversity is valued and celebrated. No matter what a student's background, previous achievements, ability or disability, when they engage in creative expression, there is an opportunity to unapologetically be themselves.
Although most of lessons and interventions found on this site are based on research and/or proven art therapy practices, the information provided here is not meant to replace professional or medical advice or treatment.
Although most of lessons and interventions found on this site are based on research and/or proven art therapy practices, the information provided here is not meant to replace professional or medical advice or treatment.