Sara Ellen Gardiner is from a small town in rural Newfoundland called Conche. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA - Visual Arts) at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University. She is currently completing her Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Secondary) in St. John's, NL.. She works with Video, Performance art, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Drawing, often in combination. Her work deals with the concepts of loss of relationships intertwined with the history of the French Shore. Her work is about letting go of past attachments through practicing mindfulness. Visit www.saragardiner.weebly.com to see her artwork and portfolio of documents relating to education.

Leighanne Trotter is an Ontario born artist who is currently completing her secondary/intermediate Education degree at Memorial University. She has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Grenfell Campus, Memorial University. She enjoys painting in acrylic and watercolour but has recently discovered sculpture and 3-dimensional artwork. Her art practice over the past years has been a journey of experimentation and discovery as she builds toward finding her place in the art world.

Tia McLennan born in Vancouver, B.C. She has a BFA (Interdisciplinary) from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, an MFA (Creative Writing/Visual Art) from UBC Okanagan, and is currently completing her Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Secondary) at Memorial University in St. John's, NL. She continues to create visual work and write poetry and is very excited to bring play and exploration to the classroom in any way she can.